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About the Course

Course Development

  • Built and taught by expert GI APPs

  • Developed by a course designer with a Master's of Health Professions Education

  • Curricula built on core learning principles from Basics to Disorders to Patient Application

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221 lessons available.

Over 65 hours

of education and patient case reviews.

Course Development


  • 1,200 questions with explanations

  • Answered via an interactive quizzing platform with scores recorded

  • Multiple choice questions and patient vignettes

  • Embedded assessment includes:

    • Concept Checks after each session

    • Knowledge Appraisals after each stage

      • 70% requirement

    • Mastery Assessment at the end of the curriculum

      • Requires passing score  for a course certificate


User Features

  • 221 lessons, 1,200 assessment questions           

  • Online Educational Portal:  

    • Tailored home page with modules of your choosing

    • Keep track of the status of the learner

  • Assistance:

    • The ability to talk to a live person with questions or concerns

User Features
Learing Design
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  • Stage 1: GI Basics
    Directly connected to background knowledge from schooling Reviews normal physiology Reviews normal exam and physical Introduces normal labs, images, and procedures
  • Stage 2: GI Disorders
    Directly builds upon normal physiology to discuss abnormal pathophysiology Reviews most common GI diseases (based on scope and depth previously discussed) All presentations follow a similar structure that applies to the real world Patient presentation Differential diagnosis Workup Diagnosis to treatment
  • Stage 3: GI Patient Application
    Allows synthesis of content learned from Stages 1 and 2 Given common "chief complaints," lessons progress through the workup (applying their knowledge of physiology, GI diseases, labs, procedures, etc.) Work through patient cases, building to most direct connection to the real world

The goal is the “transfer” of knowledge
Transfer = taking what you learn in the classes and applying it to the real world

Course Design

  • Stage 1: GI Basics
    Directly connected to background knowledge from schooling Reviews normal physiology Reviews normal exam and physical Introduces normal labs, images, and procedures
  • Stage 2: GI Disorders
    Directly builds upon normal physiology to discuss abnormal pathophysiology Reviews most common GI diseases (based on scope and depth previously discussed) All presentations follow a similar structure that applies to the real world Patient presentation Differential diagnosis Workup Diagnosis to treatment
  • Stage 3: GI Patient Application
    Allows synthesis of content learned from Stages 1 and 2 Given common "chief complaints," lessons progress through the workup (applying their knowledge of physiology, GI diseases, labs, procedures, etc.) Work through patient cases, building to most direct connection to the real world
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Learning Design

"Spiraled curriculum": content intentionally repeats
(but at a higher level/stage each time). Facilitates content retention through:

  • Connections: easier to make connections when content continues to "repeat" or "spiral" through itself

  • Spaced repetition: adult learners need to learn the same information multiple times, in multiple contexts, with increasingly difficult applications, for it to best stick

  • Interleaving: mixing content or introducing a concept and then going back to it much later with other content taught in between, best enhances recall (most similar real life!)

Course Learning Design
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