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Our mission is to provide the highest quality medical education courses that will ready APP candidates for career advancement.
Progam Highlights
Course Description:
The curriculum was developed and taught by expert APPs in the field of gastroenterology. This advanced course is intended to prepare APPs who have an interest in this field for a smooth career transition lessoning onsite job training and differentiation from other candidates.

The Curriculum
Each module is approximately 15 minutes long.
Select a stage to learn more.
Stage 1: GI BasicsDirectly connected to background knowledge from schooling Reviews normal physiology Reviews normal exam and physical Introduces normal labs, images, and procedures
Stage 2: GI DisordersDirectly builds upon normal physiology to discuss abnormal pathophysiology Reviews most common GI diseases (based on scope and depth previously discussed) All presentations follow a similar structure that applies to the real world Patient presentation Differential diagnosis Workup Diagnosis to treatment
Stage 3: GI Patient ApplicationAllows synthesis of content learned from Stages 1 and 2 Given common "chief complaints," lessons progress through the workup (applying their knowledge of physiology, GI diseases, labs, procedures, etc.) Work through patient cases, building to most direct connection to the real world
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